One Couple, One Solicitor
An image of a woman in a blue dress smiling in front of a client sat across a desk.

Cne Couple, One Solicitor Bath

With over 35 years of experience between us we have seen first-hand how restrictive traditional approaches to divorce can be and how they have the potential to cause more problems than they solve. Thankfully, the change in UK divorce law in April 2022 introduced a no-fault divorce system, allowing couples to separate without assigning blame. This change has facilitated the role of one solicitor in representing both parties in a more amicable manner and couples can now opt for a single solicitor to assist them in navigating the process together.

Having already helped couples to divorce this way we can see how employing a single solicitor for guidance throughout the process not only minimises conflict but also substantially reduces costs. By streamlining communication and negotiations through one legal representative, couples can avoid duplication of work resulting in significant financial savings compared to the traditional two-lawyer approach. It also allows for a more harmonious resolution which impacts not only relationships in the here and now, but also in the future.

More Traditional Model

Whilst we see the benefits of using one solicitor, we also recognise that, whether due to circumstance or characters, it isn’t always a feasible option and that a more traditional approach to divorce and financial issues may be needed with both parties instructing separate solicitors to represent them as individuals rather than as a couple. Drawing on our extensive experience in the traditional legal approach, we guide clients adeptly so as we can avoid common pitfalls and ensure a smoother and more informed journey through the legal process.

We always tailor our advice to fit our clients’ needs rather than fit any preference we may have. With this in mind, we are thorough in exploring the range of approaches available and will advise you as to the best way forward ensuring you get a customised solution best suited to meet your particular circumstances.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Find answers to frequently asked questions about our services and legal processes.

Yes, the “One Couple, One Solicitor” model in which one solicitor is used by both parties is recognised and accepted by the Law Society and the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA). However, it’s essential to ensure that the solicitor you choose, adheres to professional standards and ethical guidelines set by these organisations. Rest assured, at One Family Law, we meticulously adhere to all industry guidelines.

In the One Solicitor, One Couple or joint representation process, couples meet with one solicitor and they hear, together, from one solicitor what the position is in law. This solicitor then guides the couple to make their own decisions. If needed, other professionals can be consulted for expert advice before a final decision by the couple is made. Once the couple reach agreement, the same solicitor handles all the paperwork and makes submissions with the court which minimises the back and forth between solicitors for negotiation and approval. This streamlined approach empowers couples and simplifies the overall legal process.

It’s highly likely that there are going to be difficult conversations to be had during this process but right at the start, before any first meeting, the couple and the solicitor sign an agreement affirming their commitment to handling matters without conflict. If, during the process, there is an issue that the couple cannot agree, and the matter cannot be resolved with the help of other professionals then it may be necessary for the parties to seek independent legal representation with a view to moving towards litigation. This rarely happens as the couples that are attracted to this process are vehemently opposed to embarking on litigation and will always find a way of working through their issues.

Mediators are a neutral, third party who facilitate communication and negotiation between disputing couples but cannot provide legal advice or representation. With the One Couple, One Solicitor process the solicitor provides the legal representation for you both and advises you together what the position is in law. In summary a One Couple One Solicitor process deals with the legalities and mediation assists in the decision-making process if there is conflict. This is why the two processes work so well together as it provides all the support and expertise a couple need to agree matters in the face of conflict whilst also streamlining the legal process.

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